As she walked into the little meeting room
Which was cobwebbed as though alien from brooms
Anxiety overwhelmed her like an avalanche spelling doom
Resisting acceptance of the travails her mind zoomed
Her feet pierced the fabrics of her shoes
With its cold feel giving a suggestive clue
Her once athletic feet, now fragile and blue
Walked past the “damaged shoes” as though true
And there he was on an unadorned chair
His eyes and facie as ever, devoid of fear
His strength amazed her as she fought back tears
Pace reduced proximity till his greeting she could hear
As though without constraints he acted, all-the-way brave
Buried in his embrace was all to crave
And for a moment her anxieties were waved
As he tossed softly as though dancing rave
Her eyes paced across the mute but watchful men in uniform
Reminiscing how their superiors and similitude in obeyance were prompt
Their prisoner, once a man whose wishes always got performed
Now a man to be served in an ironic form
Akinbinu Rotimi Andrew is a physician with strong affinity for literature. His keen interest is in poetry and he refers to his works as ‘descriptive poetry’.