Tribute to Her Grace – Akinbinu Rotimi

Adorned in grace with perfect touch of beauty
Meticulously created to glorify the term “pretty”
That eyes, though see, doubt its reality
So marvelous that everyone stops to adore the creativity

Amazing complexion when she basks in the sun
Gracefully reflecting its rays & making a sight of fun
That her light brightens and sets traces of gloom on the run
&her patients scramble to see her rainbow in graceful turns

Nothing in history stands comparable to her voice
Soft but subduing as to cripple the market noise
The kind which leaves a judge with no choice
Listening to her prayers make the celestial world rejoice

Hiding in her path to see her majesty once more
And thus lighten the awe my heart has always bore
Though abounding pilgrims seek the sight I so adore
Like Zacchaeus, I’d watch from the branches of my sycamore

Her existence threatens Mona Lisa’s glory & her reign be put to an end
Having Leonardo da Vinci beg the creator, a chance to paint you, he really intends
So like a nascent gospel, her majestic enigma, round the globe to send
That at the sight of her Grace’s portrait, all knees do bend

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