May I by this opportunity welcome everyone to the year 2024; congratulations are in order to every Nigerian for weathering the storm of a very turbulent year 2023 in almost every ramification of our nationhood. Ultimately, the year 2023 witnessed the transition from the Muhammed Buhari’s administration to Bola Ahmed Tinubu, a man that as been seen as a political enigma with far reaching influence accross every strata of the country.

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu rode on the back of the RENEWED HOPE mantra that promises to revolutionize every segment of the Nigerian State including setting the country on the path of economic recovery, food security, a thorough revamping of the security architecture to ensure that every Nigerian can sleep with their eyes closed and having their mind at peace. The RENEWED HOPE manifesto prides itself to be a document that would liberate the mass of the people and effectively deal with the issue of unemployment and poverty.

The ‘subsidy is gone’ declaration of the president on inauguration day was the straw that broke the camel’s back. As a matter of fact,subsidy payment has hitherto become a cancer that continues to eat deep into the nation’s finances; especially as several government agencies continue to declare conflicting daily consumption figures, fueling an allegation of corporate corruption and organized crime.

As the time continues to tick in the Buhari’s regime that spanned between 2015-2023, security issues bedevilled all part of the country, ranging from full blown terrorism, banditry and kidnapping, violent uprisings, wanton killings among other form of security issues. This is infact a direct opposite of the promise to deal decisively with the issues of insecurity that tainted the Goodluck Jonathan and warranted the CHANGE mantra of the APC in the presidential election that ushered in the APC in the year 2015.

The mass of the Nigerian people expected that the incorruptible Muhammadu Buhari would stem the tide of corruption that has become the order of the day period pre-2015, especially that there was serious outcry accross the nation due to the dangerous level of corruption that bedeviled the Jonathan’s administration; reverse was the case. One can only only hope against hope that the Tinubu administration would be any different, assuming the early signs of corruption in the Humanitarian ministry and the case of clash of interest leveled against the Minister of Interior is effectively dealt with as a deterrence to others.

Let’s even assume that the period spent so far by the Tinubu administration is foundational and preparatory for a full swing, especially that it’s first budget estimate was signed into law after it was passed by the joint chamber of the National Assembly, the expectation of the nation is very high at this point in time, oweing to the very harsh economic environment that the people have been made to endure in recent times. The steady rise in inflation figures, coupled with a dangerously highly unemployment and poverty figures is a worrisome tide that requires all the necessary effort and attention of a serious government.

As the Nation strives to turn the tide and achieve all-round trajectory of development under the new dispensation, it’s imperative that we ensure that all the actions and demeanor of government are directed at the common goal of recalibrating the nation and setting her on the path of growth and development.

Government must deal with the problem of unemployment, poverty, and insecurity; as well as stimulating the economy for utmost prosperity by funding critical infrastructure and also supporting the manufacturing industry in a bid to reduce the pressure on foreign exchange earnings as well as creating jobs.

Government must also build consensus among relevant section of the country and with critical stakeholders so that the nation would be steered along a common developmental trajectory. As the citizens have developed mistrust in government due to long term failure in delivering electoral promises and failure to fulfill it’s constitutional obligations, it is necessary to build trust and sustain harmonious relationship with the citizenry.

Government must also stem the tide of wastage, deal with corruption headlong, and ensure that government is made effective and efficient. Cost-cutting mechanism must be in place to avoid any form of opulence that doesn’t reflect the financial position of the country.

Writer: Adedamola Benard, Adedejo.

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