So What Happens Now – Episode 4

By Adegunloye Kayode

The two love birds were now so into each other so much that they were nearly inseparable , One thing I forgot to tell you about Temi was  her  kiddie looks which would make anyone think she was perhaps a teenager or possibly 19 going 20…I call them baby-faced girls, But maybe Damilola had same thought but whatever caused his blindness towards Temi’s age didn’t really pay off as he got the shock of his life when Temi finally told him she was 28years…Chisos!!!. He was barely 22 at the time, the news was spirit-sapping, soul-crushing and utterly exhausting. How do you cope with the feeling that your girlfriend is 6 years older than you?(6years no be beans o). He was yet to fully brace  up to the reality that she hails from a certain town which his mother had forewarned him never to have anything to do with their ladies, (don’t ask me what town) our moms will never cease to amaze someone sha! and now he had to deal with another age palava, shortly afterwards  Temi  stepped out of the room in a bid to catch some breathe, Dami was shocked to the bones and apparently confused too.

After a while she came into the room and sat by his side resting her head on his shoulder, she tried talking him out of those puzzling  thoughts in his head and promised never to make him feel any inferior. They mutually agreed not to talk about it no more and move on with their love life… like it’s  that easy. Well they kept loving on while it lasted and after a couple of months came the straw that broke the camel’s back, they were on one of their semester breaks and as if they were already waiting for Temi to get back home from school…can you guess? ‘You aren’t getting any younger, let’s meet your man’ was the talk of the whole house. Temi felt bemused as she wasn’t expecting any of these, either ways the bombshell had been dropped. She wasn’t cut out for any of those talks and so she dashed off to her room, made for her phone and dialled Damilola’s mobile digit almost instantaneously, she told him they needed to talk as soon as they resumed back to school and even though that call got him worried he was optimistic it wasn’t anything serious…hmmmm, me I hope so sha.

When a lady tells you we need to talk, do yourself a whole lot of good by assembling your mind for anything, it was more of a hell pit than a home for Temi who finally got his resumption wish soon enough. She got back to school before Dami who had to tend to some things at home before resuming, however after a couple of days he was back to school and as expected it wasn’t long before they saw each other. Damilola was flummoxed seeing her because she wasn’t wearing her usual smile and vibrancy even though she gave him a warm hug as they both entered into his room and then ruefully she started, ‘am afraid this won’t work out Dami, I need to think straight about this relationship and maybe we need a break to help me do this’…she continued, more to Damilola’s surprise, it was as if she had it all written down. She told him everything that transpired at home and how she badly needed time to sort out things. But come to think of it the topic here is that she’s being pressured to bring a man and of course she has a man or maybe a ‘boy’ (lol) who apparently isn’t ready to be introduced. This is serious gobe! That’s where the ‘wahala’ comes in and if anything at all, it was apparent that Temi already had her mind made up on buying herself a bit of reality other than cheer fantasy. Damilola on the other hand was dazed, she had never seen her like this before…Anyway, I belief that the elites who have been following this tale would easily decipher where this is heading, I know it would be more easier for the neutrals to advise but what would you rather advise they do? Call it a disintegration, a split or a breakup which is widely accepted, whatever you feel like calling it was inevitable. It took the whole time in the world but they got over it and remained as just good friends.

Learn to know more early enough  when going into your relationship…Your Genotypes (no one wants unhealthy kids) ages (it might come to matter later), hometowns(do it for the moms) lol  etc. so you don’t end up breaking each other’s minds, Did you for a minute think i’ll say hearts? For where, hearts no they break o! ..

Thanks for reading! You can read all the previous episodes here:

So What Happens Now – Episode One

So What Happens Now – Episode Two

So What Happens Now – Episode Three

Gracias por seguirme!
Los amo a todos!


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