Princess Of Gaza – Episode 4

And so  as soon as it was daybreak on the third day of which Zianah had been kept in the grimy pen to ‘chill off’, The princess ordered that she should be released. She thereafter warned her sternly against a repetition of such act after which she was well tended to by her co – maids. Zianah’s body was filled with scars and wounds thanks to the severe whipping dealt her by the merciless guards. The poor young girl looked pitiable and although with all the bruises and wounds she still retained her charmness. Her zebibah (brown eye dot on her forehead) almost fading off. She looked so frail, Powerless and totally grounded. Zianah who is well craved for her striking beauty which is well complemented by her dedication and good heart to work. Her dutiful nature knows no bounds. But this time she was a shadow of her usual self.

However, even after her undeserved punishment she never changed a bit from her courteous ways, Notwithstanding the fact that she is still fairly young but she remains one of the calmest and wisest of all the maids, she does her chores with so much precision and touch.

Truly the massive possession of wealth could be the root of all evil, Princess Cara was all domineering and the fear of the lone Princess of Gaza is indeed thee beginning of wisdom. She was feared and respected by all her subjects, She seldom smiles and when she does it could sarcastically except on rare ocassions when she is extremely ecstatic. However, as soon as Zianah left her presence one of the Hall maids came into her chamber to deliver the king’s message to her.

“My Princess, the king would like to have a word with you in his hall. He requests that you come at once” The maid said as she knelt before her.

“You may rise, Tell my father that i’ll grace his presence shortly”, the princess responded as she waved the maiden away.

After few minutes she beckoned on Gina, her eldest maid to accompany her to the palace hall. The walk from her private chamber to the king’s hall is just a few minutes stroll, so after a couple of minutes they were in the king’s presence. She knelt before her father who was sitting graciously on his throne, He placed his royal staff on his daughter’s right shoulder and afterwards told her to rise. The princess stood up and looked towards the direction of the chiefs who were seated at the other end of the hall. They were four in number and apparently the most senior chiefs of the Kingdom of Gaza. She greeted them casually and subsequently sat down with swagger and prestige. Gina on her own quietly positioned herself right by her side.

King Mido cleared his throat in a bid to speak, One of the royal guards rooted beside him handed over his golden wine cup to him and then he took a sip from the cup. Thereafter he started his speech which was centered on the Princess’ engagement.

“Well I utomostly greet my noble chiefs present here today, I sincerely appreciate your loyal support since time immemorial. I couldn’t have asked for better companies. However, I want to thank my beloved daughter, the shining light of this land, My only jewel…Princess Cara for swiftly honoring my invitation. We all know she is the reason why we are here”. He paused as he cleaned his mouth with his sparkling white handkerchief. Then he continued.

“My dear princess, it is the custom and tradition of this land that you introduce your spouse before the end of the sacrifices to the Yah (Lah) that’s the Egyptian Moon God. It is so imperative that this is done and am sure you know your fianceé must be royalty too, Therefore he must emerge from a royal house just like you. Well my dear, perhaps you already have someone…why not tell us so that we will all be at peace” The king concluded giving a slight grin.

The princess looked rather puzzled, and for few seconds she didn’t utter a word. All she kept doing was staring at her father and picking glances at the chiefs who were also seated in the hall.


What would her response sound like?, What’s in stock for us? Episode 5 is just around the corner!

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