Precious Gift’s Diary

Hello, My name is Precious-gift and I have joined the band wagon after much procrastination to have an e-dairy….

This technically is my first write-up to be on-line so am a bit kinda nervous about my write up being liked and accepted (LoL).It’s 2016 and I think the euphoria of the new year is still a hit back to back.  .But before we all bask out of the whole ‘new year New system’ epoch and initial gra gra’ of the strict adherence to year resolutions, Let’s go down memory lane into my 2015. 2015  was just one of those roller coasteric year for me….There were moments when I felt…No, this was it, I can’t possibly overcome this…2015 made me realise how strong I could be even when I was literally sinking! Ofcourse,I had my good moments; Gained weight small (Lol), ate plenty of hamburger and pizza, Did lots of spontaneous buying, Became the president of an organisation (Now, that takes practically all my time), Started the bead making business, I also did one or two mountain climbing that had me sleeping for days(Yea, am that lazy),Made few friends and lost plenty friends.(am not so good at socialising).Then the Climax of my 2015 story…(should I talk about this)…Yea, I would. I had an emotional breakdown. it was so rough and tough for me, thought the world was going to end…I thank God I was surrounded with good friends that made me believe I could go through it with no left over bitterness, resentment and anger….

Now, its 2016.. and am a better person with of course one or two resolutions:

1) Going geeky

2) Come out of my shell and make more friends (so help me God)

3) Be more consistent in my write ups

4) No makeup (except when necessary)

That will be all for now…and of course my new year resolutions can change once the year is more new (lol).You can always gist me on how your 2015 went and your 2016 resolutions



Plenty of positivity ‘n’ love!

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