Poetry: You Can’t Prepare For Marriage

You can’t prepare for marriage
You can prepare for a wedding

God please shield me from all fiery doctrinal  and theological arrows targeted towards me for spitting out this truth that has hibernated beneath the lockets of my bone and marrow

So forgive me if you just enrolled in a marriage class
I cant just seem to reconcile learning how to walk at age 25
It can only mean you have been paralysed since age 5
Kindly follow me before you kick my ass

So i reserved the holy statement of ‘yes i do’ till the official weekend
Yes i do to a course of life that took 8months class will soon get weak and eventually end
Because when he asked if dinner is ready, maggi is always absent and salt was always abundantly present

You always argue with a taxi driver
You shut fellow passengers up when they advice you to give it up
In 8months to the official weekend you were told to allow her win arguments
She can never win you if the driver has not won you

She was never friends with classmates and roommates and hall mates and church mates but she awaits for a friend in a soulmate
I have a news for you, such a soul mate will soon lose his soul.

My message is not rocket science
I  consulted scriptures for a license
A Jesus that never submitted to Joseph cannot submit to God
Preparation for marriage is like preparing for life
Life, nature, people, environment are your lecturers
How much have you learnt from them

Olayinka Ojo

Olayinka Ojo is the founder of Purpose Driven Poet and Olayinka Ojo Photography Studio and Academy

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