Love Thrills – Episode 4

Everyone liked her and even the boss liked her more because of her dexterity and heart to work, Her brother Timi was more proud of her because he wasn’t left in the lurch about her sister’s immense progress at work as his friend who was Debbie’s boss would always call to tell him how good his sister is and how her addition has been a plus to the media outfit.

It’s always juicy and fun when you know your work in and out and that would always put you miles ahead of your colleagues, Debbie knows practically everything about her work like the back of hand and this equally made her customer’s favorite and on several occasions she would get gifts from their teeming patronizers because of her hard work and customer care attitude.

One day, a particular customer came to their establishment for a proposal and after seeing the receptionist he was directed to the boss who had earlier been informed of the customer’s presence via the telephone. He was a Dark, Tall and good looking young man of around 29 or 30 age wise, He works with a Telecommunication outfit, One of the best in the Country. He had come for a synergy proposition that would no doubt fatten up the corporation’s purse, They wouldn’t want to miss out on this one.

After a few words with the boss, A call was put through to Debbie’s office who appeared in her boss’ office the next minute, Without much ado she was immediately introduced to the client whom her boss called Mr. Tony who was sitted in front of her boss. Afterwards she was apprised of the proposal at hand and how best it should be done, If you ask me I’ll tell you Debbie was arguably the best Staff to handle such project in the whole establishment.

Thereafter, She was told to sit and both parties reached a consensus after Debbie had successfully verified the genuineness of the proposal as well as what their corporation stood to gain from the synergy.However,  It was nothing but a hit as everything went on as proposed, They shook hands as Mr. Tony left the office with Debbie seeing him off to the exit door. As soon as Tony stepped out of the building, He pressed his automobile control to unlock the vehicle which was well parked in the corporations long parking lot. The car gave a little light flash to signify it has been unlocked, For few seconds he was in thought as he sat in his car, He was a bit troubled with his head rested on the hind of car seat.

To be Continued…

What was he thinking about?…Follow the next Episode to know.

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