Friendship is a relationship with a fellow human either male or female based on trust and mutual agreement. The kinds of friends you keep have a lot to tell on your personality as a person. Many people have gone far in life as a result of the help rendered by friends that came their way while some destinies have been truncated as a result of bad companies. However, I will love to draw our attention to 8 types of friends an individual could have in his/her life time.

INTERNET FRIENDS: These are the friends you meet on the social media like facebook, twitter, instagram, whatsapp etc. You interact and socialize with these friends. You might not see most of them through your life time but you chat with them just to keep in touch. Some of them even help you in giving contacts that could help your business grow.

BUSINESS FRIENDS: These are people you have made business deals with and latter became close you. They are clients and customers that have dealings with you in one way or the other and have helpe you. Business friends only talk about business and nothing more. They might not been interested in your personal affairs or any family pressure facing you.

CHURCH FRIENDS: These are the friends we make in church. You call them brothers and sisters in Lord. They encourage you in the ways of the Lord and always ensure you don’t derail from the Lord’s tenets. The friendship most times doesn’t go beyond the church premises.

HAND OF OIL FRIENDS: They are called hand of oil friends because they are always around you when things are going rosy and you are making money. They always want to be identified with your success even if they were not there to play a part in your success story. You don’t see them when you go through challenges in life because they don’t have anything to offer you at that time.

PARTY FRIENDS: The only moment you see them is when you have any occasion. They only come for birthday parties, wedding ceremonies, naming ceremonies and any other ceremony you could be organising. They are always lively and fun to be with. They lighten up your event and make sure there is never a dull moment.

CHAMELEON FRIENDS:These friends are the fake ones around you. They pretend as if they love you but show you hatred in your absence. They cannot stand in the gap to defend you when people speak ill of you. They gossip and backbite about you but act as if they care about you. They always give excuses when you need them to be there for you.

CASUAL FRIENDS: These friends are not intimate. You run into them at the bar, on the street, football viewing centre etc. You tend to discuss with them only when you meet them and nothing happens further when you part ways. Theses friends might not know much about you and how you fare at home but when you see them outside they show much pleasure in meeting you

CLOSE FRIENDS: They can go extra-mile to make sure you are always happy. You see them as part of your family because they are always there for you during the good and hard times. They advise you when you are going wrong and they always want to see you succeed in life.

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