7 Types of Girls You Could Meet This Festive Season – Akinborewa Gbenga

As we approach Christmas and the New Year I just felt I should drop this for all and sundry. I just hope I have not busted the bubbles of some people. Everyone gets engrossed in the yuletide season especially the guys out there, but nevertheless I want us to know the seven types of girls one could probably encounter. Don’t hesitate to tell me the category you belong as a girl. We have:

MUMMY’S GIRLS: They are the sit-at-home kind of girls. They are just ok when they watch Telemundo or African Magic. They don’t care what is happening outside there. Their main concern is the enjoyment they could have within the confines of their homes. If you need to see them they will surely need to sneak out just to see you briefly because they won’t be allowed to just go out like that.

ROCKIE GIRLS: These girls are always the balling type. They drive classy cars and their dress sense is superb. They give themselves nice treat by going to the cinemas, shopping and cruising with friends during the festive period. They don’t depend on men to take care of them. They are ok on their own and would love to enjoy life the way it appeals to them.

ATTACHEE GIRLS: They are always attached to one friend that knows one friend. They hardly have enough to take care of themselves but they are always there on your table eating and drinking like they could pay off the bills. They are always ready to take bike to meet you wherever you are if you tell them it’s grooving there.

CHURCH GIRLS: These kinds of girls always look out for churches organising carols and musical concert. They don’t go to club or lounge and so their only place of solace is where any gospel event is happening. They are always the first to know when a particular gospel artist or comedian is visiting a church to minister. Boredom beckons to them if there are no church activities where they can express themselves.

LOVER GIRLS: They are the sugar girls who are always fond of their guys. They believe Christmas must be spent alone with their guys. They would always want to be around the guy. Infact , they cook and give their guys nice treats during the festive season. I don’t want anybody to snatch my guy oo is what they would tell you.

BUSINESS GIRLS: The festive season to them is the time to make more money. They are in involved in different activities that could bring income to them during the festive period. They sell clothes, shoes, bags. They are involved in event planning, decorations, baking and many more. They see the period as time to increase their sources of income because they wouldn’t want to be broke in the New Year.

RUNS GIRLS: They would prefer to be called big girls. However, they sell their bodies to make money. Their targets are the big boys from Malaysia, UK, USA, and Dubai who came to enjoy the Christmas break in town. They sit out at bars, club houses and eateries expecting a customer who would ask them how market?

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